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//comando para totalizar as vendas do dia. no exemplo abaixo foi totalizado as vendas do dia 17/05/2012 da loja 1

select sum( coalesce(Total,0) + coalesce(Servico,0) + coalesce(Frete,0) - coalesce(Desconto,0)) as Total from oe where data = '05/17/2012'

and oe.LOJA = 1 and OE.Tipo IN ('V', 'L', 'D', 'N') AND (OE.Canc <> 'S' OR OE.Canc IS NULL)



//Comando que exibe o valor total vendido de itens. No comando abaixo, esta sendo exibido o total vendido de itens com cst '060' na data de 17/05/2012 da loja 1

select sum(coalesce(ioe.quant,0)*coalesce(ioe.valor,0) ) as Total from ioe where data = '05/17/2012' and

exists(select 1 from oe where and oe.id_oe=ioe.id_oe and oe.LOJA=1 and oe.Tipo IN ('V', 'L', 'D', 'N') AND (OE.Canc <> 'S' OR OE.Canc IS NULL))

and (select cst from prod where prod.cod=ioe.cod) = '060'


//Comando abaixo une dois comandos (UNION)

select sum(coalesce(ioe.quant,0)*coalesce(ioe.valor,0) ) as Total from ioe where data = '05/17/2012' and

exists(select 1 from oe where and oe.id_oe=ioe.id_oe and oe.LOJA=1 and oe.Tipo IN ('V', 'L', 'D', 'N') AND (OE.Canc <> 'S' OR OE.Canc IS NULL))

and (select cst from prod where prod.cod=ioe.cod) = '060'


select sum(coalesce(ioe.quant,0)*coalesce(ioe.valor,0) ) as Total from ioe where data = '05/17/2012' and

exists(select 1 from oe where and oe.id_oe=ioe.id_oe and oe.LOJA=1 and oe.Tipo IN ('V', 'L', 'D', 'N') AND (OE.Canc <> 'S' OR OE.Canc IS NULL))

and (select cst from prod where prod.cod=ioe.cod) = '041'